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Three Lessons

This summer has been a huge eye opener for me. I’m sorry for being MIA over the last three months; things just got crazy between work, family, friends and trying to enjoy myself.

Honestly this is the first time I’ve been on my computer for the last month; it’s somewhat nice.

Over these last few months, I have grown closer to my family and even some of my distant friends. The adventures haven’t stopped and neither have the lessons that I have been learning.

Some lessons that I have learned:

- Take risks

- Travel more

- Love more

Take risks. I believe that you are never too old or too young to take a risk. The time is now! After reflecting on the last few years of my life, I’ve realized that I have taken some huge risks, but I also realized that I could take more. If you feel passionate enough about something or it’s been heavy on your heart, I say go for it!

“Go for it,” has been somewhat of a motto during the summer. Because I’ve had this mindset, I have hung out with more friends, met some wonderful people and I have even seen more! I think you know where I’m going with this.

Travel more. I have been traveling more and I am hooked. I’ve always believed that God did not put us on this earth to stay in one spot forever. Why else would he create so many beautiful places? Just by traveling more (mostly on my own) I have come to learn more about myself and even gain some confidence.

Recently I had to fly across the country all by myself. I wouldn’t have changed one thing about that trip. I was able to meet some great people at the airport and even learn a few things that they wanted to share with me. You could always learn something just by hearing someone’s story.

Which brings me to my last lesson; love more. I shouldn’t even have to explain why this one is valuable. There are good people and there are bad people in this world. It’s sad, but true.

Personally, I would much rather finish a conversation with someone and leave him or her thinking, “well she was nice.” Wouldn’t you? Love has no boundary. In a world like todays, everyone could love more and be more loved.

So I am leaving all you pretty people with those three lessons; take risks, travel more, love more.

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