Back to the Beginning
It's freshman year. I'm all excited to begin my college career in a new city
(Cincinnati), all on my own- 12 hours from home (Mississippi). You're probably
sitting there thinking how one earth did I make that transition, but long
story short, it's because of volleybal! Anyways. I was so nervous about
starting college, meeting new people, growing up and being on my own that
I didn't even think about the "Christian" part of my university.
I grew up in a Catholic household and even went through the whole process of
getting baptized as a baby and then choosing to be confirmed during my junior
year of high school. Therefore, I was baptized and considered a Christian.
So I thought.
It was extrememly interesting after the first month of college at a private
university. We were required to take biblical classes that don't necessarily have
anything to do with our majors, but somehow were relevant at the same time.
It's an interesting concept. Going into my first class, I felt pretty confident going
in...but that changed right after roll call.
After roll call, the professor would call on a random student to lead the class in
prayer. My heart starting racing and my stomach dropped to the floor! I was so
nervous. Shut down my confidence real quick. But as the class continued, we were
talking about the Bible and everyone in the class seemed to know EVERYthing...I
felt like I was a failure as a Christian. I thought to myself...
"and this is only the beginning for the next four years of my life."
Photo from Pinterest