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This week at church, the preacher spoke about finding comfort in the wrong things. She talked about how people are finding comfort through relationships, objects and other things of that nature instead of finding comfort in God.

This is something we could all be a little better at.

As I was sitting there thinking about the words flowing out of her mouth, I realized that I was doing just that; finding comfort in the wrong things.

At one point she said that everyone is guilty of saying: ‘If only I had more…in my life”

Unfortunately the first thing I thought about was money. I’m guilty. I’ll admit it. But she said that if your answer isn’t “God”, then you’re doing it wrong.

We are all trying to build up to be more successful. Make more money to buy the nicer clothes, the nicer make up or any other nice, expensive thing. Because we are thinking that if we had more and nicer things, we would be able to find true comfort within those possessions.

If you are seeking comfort and joy through an earthly possession then you will never be truly satisfied because there will always be a better version of that item, but there will never be a better version of God.

It may be hard, but we need to try to alter that comfort for those items into something we enjoy doing. For instance, I find comfort in writing. But instead I should say:

“I find joy in writing, but I find comfort in God.”

I also imagine myself sitting at a coffee table, wearing a big comfy sweater while having a joyful smile as I’m writing for my blog.

God= comfy sweater, that’s surrounding me and protecting me.

I hope you all think really hard and deep about what you find comfort in. Then consider if it’s comfort or joy that you’re feeling.

Think about it. Do it. Pray about it, always.

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