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We are all at a different stage in our lives, but we are all surrounded by new opportunities.

Opportunities such as a new job, new relationship, moving to a new place or perhaps meeting new people.

Lately I feel like I have had more opportunities to take a chance on things. Things such as the new internship that I’m doing and the new relationship I am in. (Both are going very well for those who are wondering.)

But another opportunity that has appeared is the chance of a new friendship.

There I was sitting at a coffee shop, by myself, just messing around on Pinterest, drinking an iced latte; when out of no where this woman comes up to me (few years older than me) and she says:

“Hi! You are so pretty! I’m sorry, but I’m just a very outgoing person and I’m trying to meet new people in this area! I’ve been here for a while and I’m a young photographer who is trying to build a stronger portfolio for my business!”

Long story short, we got to talking and it turned out to be a great, unexpected conversation. This lovely woman told me that she would love it if I could model for her sometime! Of course I would! It was the beginning of a great partnership my friends.

She was such a lovely person who I still talk to and go on photo-shoots with.

But the point of telling you this story is to try and convince you that we all need to seek opportunities and take a chance on more things in our life.

She had the courage to come up to a complete stranger just to say “hi.” That sounds so scary, but a wonderful friendship and new chance for her business and my blog came from it!

So my lovelies, go out and find your passion, take chances, meet new people! Don’t be afraid to compliment someone or just say “Hi, how are you today?” You will be surprised by what will come from a simple greeting.

My goal for both you, and myself is to try and be more like my new friend. Take chances and seek new experiences in life.

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