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Am I the only one who has seen more and more relationships of our generation fail?

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the failure for relationships and use of social media are both relatively high?

Our generation is very needy and quick. By this I mean that we are spoiled by speed from our Internet on our phones, technology updates, cars, etc. This is such a great thing, but it’s making us believe that everything in our life should operate this way. I’m guilty of this too.

We see a relationship and think that it should be perfect right off the bat. No.

Reaching a strong and healthy relationship will require some time and patience. They shouldn’t be treated like the rest of the things in our generation.

We see this plastered all over social media, under pictures that have an adorable couple, doing something as twice as adorable while wearing something that’s super trendy and expensive. These may be your type of “goals” and that’s okay, but you can’t expect it when getting into a new relationship!

Not everyone can afford $100 roses, $300 purses, and $200 shoes as a gift for their loved ones. We open up our Instagrams and see all sorts of cases like this. It is creating an unrealistic view and idea of what a relationship is supposed to be!

Relationship goals should be having someone to call your own who is your best friend. Someone you can be yourself with (even your weird self).

Create realistic goals together! Perhaps one day the two of you can afford to spoil each other in that way, but for now you should focus on spoiling each other in love, enjoying your new relationship and getting to really know each other.

That should be the true “goals” for the both of you. Not the shiny jewelry, flowers, gifts or whatever else Instagram considers “goals”.

Personally, my goals are to have someone who will show me the world through their eyes. Someone who wants to show me the way they see things, but also be open to seeing the way I see them. Someone I can go to church with and pray with, go on random adventures, be silly with, more of the simple things in our life. Build a strong future with each other. Just someone who will be themselves around me and I can be myself around them.

I really hope that your “relationship goals” aren’t too far off from mine; meaning that they are realistic and somewhat simple. It’s always nice to have dreams of being with someone who wants to buy you everything, but in the end when the money is gone and you have everything in the world…you’ll be stuck with that person. Will you still be happy?

I will be praying for all of you that you have the right mindset when you’re going into dating and that you find true happiness.

Photo from Pinterest

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