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We are all on a constant search for happiness. Most of the time when you think of happiness, you imagine yourself being with the ones you love; you having good relationships with those around you; or even having all your dreams come true.

After watching the movie, “Hector and the Search for Happiness,” (one that I highly recommend) the meaning and emotions behind genuine happiness are revealed.

Of course when someone says what is ‘being happy’ you first picture someone who has their life together and a smile on their face, but those people can just be faking it.

We also tend to imagine certain colors that we have associated a certain meaning or connotation with. I’m guessing you’re thinking of: yellow, orange, sky blue or perhaps the color of your favorite t-shirt.

We also assume that happiness is only associated with that one true emotion. “Feeling happy.”

But here’s the catch…it’s not.

“Hector and the Search for Happiness” displays ingenious and genuine life experiences that everyone can relate to. During this movie they have a scene that shows the brain activity of someone who is on the phone with someone they truly love. Their relationship has been up and down for the last month, but at this moment…the monitors light up with multiple colors!

Why am I telling you this? Because at that very instant, it’s showing that true happiness isn’t just the emotion of being happy, but it’s also combined with sadness and fear.

I had to sit there and really consider this new direction for happiness. And in my own conclusion, I couldn’t agree more.

When we find something that truly makes us happy, it can also bring fear and sadness into our life.

For instance, the first thing that popped into my mind was how I really want to go backpacking one day. Just the thought of it fills me with so much joy. But then I feel a sense of fear for what I might discover and then a sense of sadness for what I might be missing while I’m away on my life journey. But within all of these, the ultimate emotion that I feel is true happiness.

We are all trying to figure out what our happiness is while trying to rid our lives with what makes us unhappy, but that doesn’t always work.

Sometimes you have to experience several emotions while achieving only one of them.

This is something I learned while watching “Hector and the Search for Happiness.”

Photo from Pinterest

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