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There I was in the middle of the woods on a hike with my older brother, I had stopped to admire this giant bolder that was as tall as a skyscraper. I just could not believe how enormous this rock was and how small I was.

After gazing in admiration at this natural beauty, my brother and I continued on our hike and I said, “it really reminds you how small we are.”

In the moment, I was just thinking about how sometimes in our lives we get so caught up and consumed with our own lives that we forget how big everything else truly is and how small we actually are.

This goes along with those moments of thinking we are the smartest, or us thinking that we are the best thing ever, the prettiest, etc. Those moments that make you feel invincible like nothing could ever break you and you’re so caught up in your pride.

Standing by that enormous rock was such an eye opener. I’ll admit that I was guilty for feeling a strong sense of self-pride because of multiple things happening in my life; but next to that giant formation of natural rock, my pride shrank almost immediately.

It reminded me about how big and powerful our God is. He is the only one who we should see as big and important. He created everything that surrounded me in those woods and more.

It was such a beautiful hike and during the rest of the trip, I kept that mindset and really enjoyed every moment.

We get so caught up with our own lives and our own pride that we sometimes forget how small we are and how great our God is.

It’s important to work hard, accomplish new goals and continue to grow, but we should always remember whom to thank. Who gave us the ability to discover new things and explore the beautiful world that He created for us.

Remember that you aren’t the greatest thing in the world; yes you are beautiful and important because you are a creation of God, but stay humble because you aren’t the only one.

Continue to grow and pray for strength to stay humble.

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