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Enemies in Disguise

I am a dreamer. I have countless dreams and goals for my life that I am trying to reach, but only I can make those happen. However, it is nice to have some help from those whom you consider to be close in your life. Now here's the difficult part; which ones are truly trying to help and see your dreams come true?

Personally, I only want those who are wiling to encourage me to chase my dreams because that is the friend I strive to be.

God has a different plan for each and every one of us on this beautiful earth. Our missions are to figure out what we want to work for so we may enjoy it. Which is why I am emphasizing the importance of surrounding yourself with those who push you towards your dreams.

To figure out who is going to support you in the pursuit of your dreams, you need to realize which of those among you aren't as encouraging towards you as you are to them. You need to rid yourself of those who only bring you down and aren't excited for you. This can be a daunting task at first, but once you have moved on from this and move forward towards your goal, you will feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

At first it may be hard to recognize who is who because they are your friends, loved ones, co-workers, etc., but it will become more straightforward. Unfortunately. These are your enemies in disguise. They are always there for you during your highs, but never your lows. If you're a dreamer like me, you have plenty of highs and lows. Some days you feel on top of the world because you're so close you can almost taste your accomplished goals; other days, you seem so incredibly lost.

On those days, I feel as if I'm stuck in a glass bottle, floating in the ocean without a clue as to where I am going. Those who are there for you during a moment like this who encourage you to fight the waves and go against the strongest of tides- will be the ones you should keep close. Those who watch you float off into the unknown...enemies in disguise. They won't be anything but a constant troll on your shoulder who sits there and tells you that you can't do it.

My friends, you can do it. Dream big. Dream often. Dream always. Go after what you want in this life because you should spend your days one earth doing the things you love. Show off your gifts and rid of your enemies in disguise.

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